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Despite the incredibly challenging year we are having, the things I care the most about are converging to make our future world better – the strength of family and community, the wonder of the diversity and creativity in our amazing changing brains, making complex ideas humanly accessible, and new technology that can work with all of these to help heal all factions of our society and make it stronger. It is an exciting time to be a brain scientist at the interface of so many disciplines - a time where we can collaborate more easily to enhance each of our lives, find places to contribute and belong, and new ways to merge technology with our unique talents to lift each other up.



- Jane Roskams

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"Never doubt that a small thoughtful group of concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

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Learn About the Brain

I was honored to be part of a small group within the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Public Education Committee to develop the concept of – an online gateway where everyone could learn about the brain. I helped work on the pitch for initial funding (from Gatsby and Kavli) then served on the editorial board, writing and designing content, while working with the incredibly talented editorial team at SfN to expand its reach.  It is now a place where educators, scientists and people of all ages anywhere in the world can find scientist-approved content to learn almost anything about the brain.


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela


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